Piedmont Recreation Association of Union County, NC is a non-profit 501 (c) 3, volunteer organization designed to provide a positive environment for the development of sportsmanship, athletic skills and character. We operate programs for youth between the ages of 4 and 16 in baseball, softball, football, cheerleading and Soccer. These programs are managed in accordance with guidelines set forth by national youth sports organizations. This organization serves the youth of the Unionville, Fairview and New Salem area schools.
Safe and Drug Free Schools:
After June 30, 2010, the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program will no longer receive federal funding. This funding allows the program to provide information on youth alcohol and drug use to parents, teachers and the county's nearly 40,000 students through literature, classroom instruction and community awareness. The program also provides resources and information on other issues such as bullying, character education and life skills.
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PRA Adopts Tobacco Free Policy
For the health of our youth, all tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, pipes and/or smokeless tobacco) are prohibited by everyone, at all times, on PRA park grounds and facilities. Policy adopted by PRA Board of Directors, effective May 1, 2007. (Read More)